Is Your Networking Not Working? 3 Simple Tips You Can Implement NOW to Accelerate Your Business Growth

Regardless of what type of business we have, two things need to happen for us to expand and grow our business and achieve our revenue goals. We need to 1) market our products and services and 2) someone needs to buy them. So what can you do every day that will accelerate your business growth? It’s simple, and honestly, it’s one of the more fun aspects of business. Any guesses? That’s right! NETWORKING Every day identify people who need or want what you provide, or who know others who do. … [Read more...]

You’re Fired! 3 Steps to Stop Being the Chief Everything Officer and Live Into Your CEO Potential

I had to fire someone today. Working in human resources for many years, “firing,” “letting go,” “severing,” was part of the job. Now, don’t get me wrong, the first time I had to fire someone, it was difficult, upsetting; in all honesty, it made me cry. Today; however, it was so personal. I had knots in my stomach as I stood up, looked in the mirror and gazed at my reflection. “I’m sorry, but we don’t need a Chief Everything Officer anymore. Thank you for all you’ve done and your … [Read more...]

Fortune Cookies, Entrepreneurship and a Boy Named Tony

It was noisy in the Chinese restaurant, as restaurants in Manhattan usually are, but we liked this place; plus there are only so many places to get vegetarian food. We were squeezed in at a little table as the wait staff hustled around us. The meal was great, and then came the fortune cookies. “You can stop looking, happiness is right beside you,” I read to my boyfriend of 3 months. You need to keep that, he said. “There is something I’ve been meaning to ask you”. He shared with me that he … [Read more...]